Apex Iron

At Apex Iron, we believe that true health goes beyond just physical appearance. We strive to make the inside as healthy as the outside, focusing on comprehensive wellness that encompasses both the body and mind. Our mission is to improve our client’s quality of life and lifestyle, empowering them to lead healthier lives and increase longevity.

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Key Design Websites September 28, 2023

Industrial Technology

Since 1987, Industrial Technology has been continuing to develop the versatility necessary to accommodate a wide range of customer requirements with capabilities that include multi-axis CNC machining, welding and fabricating, precision sheet metal fabrication, and electromechanical assembly and testing. Whether you are looking for prototype piece part manufacturing or fully integrated contract manufacturing of small or large-scale complex assemblies and systems, Industrial Technology can provide the high-quality, cost-competitive products you demand with “on-time” and “just-in-time” dependable deliveries.

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Key Design Websites September 18, 2023

GFE Sustainable

Our Team Members have decades of experience in both private and public sectors; each with a history of success in their respective specialties and all committed to providing an unparalleled, successful corporate culture and environment. GFES has assembled an excellent team of business professionals and is a diversified clean and renewable energy group of companies with assets and resources in:

Sustainable Community Development
Sustainable Manufacturing
Sustainable Water Resources
IP Development
PV Solar & Storage
EV Quick Charging
Qualified Opportunity Zone(s)

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Key Design Websites September 12, 2023