Touch & Tell LLC

Touch & Tell is a card game for couples that creates conversation and connection. With 250 cards perfect for ANY couple, this makes the perfect gift. Each card tells you how to touch, and what to tell. The combination of unique touches and conversation prompts will create a vulnerability that invites your brain to release oxytocin. This rush of oxytocin creates and builds a powerful love bond between couples.

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Key Design Websites March 1, 2021

Capital City Fitness

Nation-wide, quality health fitness equipment sales with expert in-home service from top-rated brands

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Key Design Websites January 26, 2021

Rough Rider Propane, Inc.

We sell only HD5 Propane which is the consumer grade. HD5 means it contains a minimum of 90%propane and a maximum of 5% propylene. Producers also produce an industrial grade HD10 which allows up to 10% propylene and can cause some sticking and gumming problems in an engine. Lastly, there are some off-spec products, and with these, who knows what you’ll end up getting. We, however, proudly sell only HD5 consumer grade propane. If you are a home owner be sure that you are getting HD5 so that you do not develop problems with your tanks, cylinders, engines or appliances.

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Key Design Websites October 20, 2020