Hope Luthern

We cherish our time together – greeting one another, passing the peace, and celebrating each other’s company as we gather to worship our God.

You are welcome to participate in worship at your own comfort level. Sing your heart out or simply nod your head to the beat; pray with your hands raised or resting at your sides; wear jeans or dress to impress. No matter how you show up, we’re glad you came!

On your way home, feel free to take a gift from our homes to yours, freshly baked bread in the basket just outside the sanctuary. You are also more than welcome to join us in the fellowship hall after each service for coffee, snacks, and conversation.

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Key Design Websites August 25, 2020

Re-Creation Taxidermy

You’ve spent countless resources on your hunt: time, money, blood, sweat and gear. You’ve stepped away from your life and your family for weeks of scouting and then the hunt. You have blisters on top of blisters. You might have just lost the top of that ear to frostbite. Hiking, glassing and stalking, are soon rewarded. In mere seconds your shot is true and your trophy is down.

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Key Design Websites August 22, 2020

Handy Eye Candy

Innovative Product Design using naturally shed elk and deer antler. From one of a kind bolo ties and necklaces to original conceptual antler lighting.

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Key Design Websites August 19, 2020